Salman Ruždi i kanon anglo-indijske književnosti
Salman Rushdie, Anglo-Indian literature, postcolonial literature, anthology, canon, boom, language issue in IndiaAbstract
The paper discusses Salman Rushdie’s development from one of the champions of the emerging postcolonial literature in the early 1980s, through his ascendancy within the literary establishment, to his doubtful status as arbiter of Anglo-Indian literature in his role as co-editor of the controversial Vintage Book of Indian Writing 1947-1997. Rushdie’s introduction to this anthology is examined in detail as one of his key non-fictional texts, with a focus on his treatment of the language issue in Indian literature(s) and his version of the Anglo-Indian canon. After revisiting some of the reactions that followed the book’s publication, notably Amit Chaudhuri’s Picador Book of Modern Indian Literature (2001) and Rushdie’s commission as a contributor to the Oxford Companion to English Literature, the paper concludes with a brief consideration of the current, legitimised status of English in Indian writing and the consolidation of Anglo-Indian literature as a well-established area within the ever expanding field of English studies.
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