Using a Bilingual (English-French) Teaching Method to Aid L3 French Vocabulary Learning
bilingual teaching, prior language knowledge, third language acquisition, language learning, crosslinguistic influenceAbstract
Bilingual individuals possess greater experience, strategies, and linguistic awareness compared to their monolingual peers (Cenoz/Ulrike 2000). Despite this advantage, these capabilities often remain underutilized in educational settings. To address this gap, a bilingual teaching material was developed, specifically targeting French vocabulary. The material encouraged students to actively compare English and French, allowing them to draw on the similarities and differences between the two languages. This comparative approach not only enhanced their understanding of French but also reinforced their knowledge of English. The effectiveness of this approach was evaluated through posttests. Participants were assessed after one month of instruction and again after three months to evaluate the immediate results and the long(er)-term retention of the vocabulary they had learned. The findings were clear: the experimental group, which used the bilingual teaching material, demonstrated significantly better retention and acquisition of L3 (third language) vocabulary compared to the control group. This was true both immediately after the instruction and over the longer term, suggesting that incorporating bilingual strategies into teaching can lead to more effective language learning outcomes. By leveraging the inherent advantages that bilinguals have, educational systems can better support language acquisition, benefiting students both in their immediate studies and in their broader linguistic development.
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