False cognates: a minefield for Algerian non-professional translators
Ključne reči:
false cognates, faux amis, grammatical/lexical false friends, totally/partially deceptive cognatesApstrakt
The aim of this paper is to set out a major obstacle, false cognates, faced by many Algerian students wishing to translate from and into French and English.
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Granger, S. & H. Swallow. 1988. False friends: a kaleidoscope of translation difficulties. Le Langage et l'Homme 67: 108-120.
Sheen, R. 1995. English faux amis for francophones learning English. [Internet]. Available at: http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/sheen.html [16.9.2006].
Demanuelli, C. & J. Demanuelli. 1991. Lire et Traduire: Anglais-Français. Paris: Masson.
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