Mitski obrazac u dramama kao intertekstualni poligon za refleksivno višeglasje: Jovan Hristić i Miodrag Pavlović
myth, intertext, ironisation, unpathetic, constructivistic, reflexivityAbstract
This article examines intertextual intermediation in implementation of the mithycal in the plays of Jovan Hristic and Miodrag Pavlovic in decoding their artistic, ethical and social reception. The interest in the mythical in their plays is in corelation with antique inheritage with tendency for the confirmation of the language of constructiveness with regard to the reality of meaninglessness. In opposition to the contemporary patterns of relativity and fragmentarity, but in empirical codes of unpathetic antiheroic, the ironical frame is analyzed from the serious perspective of drama writers in their search for “the deepest and the furthest”. The mythical in their theoretical formula is reflected in the actuality in the plane of vitality initiaitng the need for creating live artistic text free of the domination of philosophical and emotional inanimation. However, the attractiveness of disinhibition of game and bloodstream of vitality which are in theory more valued than the forms of speculation, in their plays are often unwillingly diminished by precise coordinates of mental diagnosing, and consequently the plays are sometimes perceived with the lack of imagination. Including the mythical model for their motive engagament, they opposed the myth – old, antique, based on the postulates of destiny, and modern myth of absurd forming authentic, referential platform for spiritual and reflexive polyphony.
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