Svetislav Stefanović kao prevodilac viktorijanske poezije
Analiza prevoda pesme "Blažena gospa" Dantea Gabrijela Rosetija
Svetislav Stefanović, who is certainly one of the most important Serbian literary critics, poets and translators, was especially acyive at the beginning of the 20th century and between the two world wars. The first collection of poems to be translated by Stefanović was published exactly one hundred years ago. The main aim of this paper is to attempt to critically analyze the work of this poet and translator - and marks one of the first papers to look into his work. Specifically, two different versions of a poem written by Dante Gabriel Rosetti, "The Blessed Damozel", were compared and contrasted both with each other and with the English original. The analysis considers the metrical, syntactic and semantic aspects of the works.
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Protić, Predrag, Pisci kao kritičari pre Prvog svetskog rata, Beograd, Institut za književnost i umetnost, 1979.
Richards, Bernard, English Poetry of the Victorian Period, Longman, London, 1990.
Risk, Christopher, The New Oxford Book of Victorian Verse, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1987.
Stefanović, Svetislav, Pesme originalne i prevedene, Mostar, Štamparija Pahera i Kisića, 1904.
Stefanović, Svetislav, Iz novije engleske lirike, Beograd, Napredak, 1923.
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