Rečnik Samjuela Džonsona
Ključne reči:
rečnik, leksikografija, standard, engleski jezikApstrakt
This text is written to mark the 300th anniversary of Samuel Johnson’ birth, and it deals with Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language. In The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language Johnson outlined his intentions and the methods he was going to use while compiling the dictionary, but in the Preface of the first edition published in 1755, he admitted that during the seven-year work he became aware of the realities of his task and had to give up the prescriptive role. Despite the weaknesses of his work, and negative attitudes that some of his contemporaries expressed, Johnson’s Dictionary was the first dictionary compiled on lexicographic principles. It was considered a standard of the English language and was widely used for decades.
Baugh, A. C. & T. Cable. 1993. A History of the English Language, 4th edition. London: Routledge.
Bolton, W. F. (ed.). 1966. The English Language. Essays of English and American Men of Letters 1490-1839. Cambridge: The University Press.Bolton, W. F. 1972. A Short History of Literary English, 2nd edition. London: Edward Arnold.
Boswell, J. 1906. The Life of Samuel Johnson. London: Everyman’s Library.
Boulton, J. T. (ed.). 1971. Johnson – the Critical Heritage. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Edwards, J. R. 1995. Multilingualism. London: Penguin.
Friend, J. H. 1967. The Development of American Lexicography 1798-1864. The Hague: Mouton.
Johnson, S. 1746. The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language. In T. Crowley (ed.). 1991. Proper English? London: Routledge, 45-62.
Johnson, S. 1773. Preface to A Dictionary of the English Language (1755). In W. F. Bolton (ed.). 1966. The English Language. Essays of English and American Men of Letters 1490-1839. Cambridge: The University Press,129-56.
Landau, S. I. 1989. Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography. Cambridge: CUP.
Mugglestone, L. 1995. ‘Talking Proper’. The Rise of Accent as Social Symbol. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Noyes, G. E. 1955. The Critical Reception of Johnson’s Dictionary in the Latter Eighteenth Century. Modern Philology LII, 175-91.
Sledd, J. H. & G. H. Kolb. 1955. Dr. Johnson’s Dictionary. Essays in the Biography of a Book. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Tucker, S. 1961. English Examined. Cambridge: The University Press.
Wells, R. 1973. Dictionaries and the Authoritarian Tradition. The Hague: Mouton.
Whitehall, H. 1963. The Development of the English Dictionary. In L. P. Dean & K. G. Willson (eds.) Essays On Language and Usage. New York: Oxford University Press, 3-10.
Worcester, J. 1847. A Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language. Boston: Hickling, Swan, and Brewer.
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