Factors Influencing Method Choices of EFL Teachers in Mauritania: A Reflective Perspective
Teaching practice, teacher identity, cultural constraints, pre-service and in-service training, teacher education, teaching methodologyAbstract
This paper was designed to investigate the factors influencing the choice of teaching methods of foreign EFL teachers in Mauritania. The focus of this study is on English teachers whose native language or second language is English and who have taught or are currently teaching EFL in Mauritania. The main objectives of this study are to identify the factors that influence their choice of teaching methods and to investigate the influence of their pre-service and in-service teacher training, teacher reflection, country of origin, and teacher qualifications. Data was collected using questionnaires and interviews, which were analyzed using a qualitative method focusing on thematic analysis for data interpretation. The findings of this study revealed that several factors significantly influence the choice of teaching methods. These factors can be classified into the following categories: (1) factors related to the students, (2) classroom environment, (3) factors related to the lesson, (5) factors related to the teacher and their reflective teaching and, (6) other factors, which include (a) culture (b) linguistic diversity, (c) working conditions, and (d) administration’s expectations.
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