Audacity and Praat as Pedagogical Tools: Analysing Fluency and Pronunciation Accuracy
fluency, pronunciation accuracy, pedagogical tools, self-reflectionAbstract
The main premise of this article is that asking students of English to analyse their oral productions using measures from the Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency approach might be beneficial for their language learning process. We describe a project that students of the English Phonetics and Phonology course of the English Studies degree at Universitat de Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) carried out during the 2019/2020 academic year. The project helps students improve their transcription skills while stimulating reflection on pronunciation aspects. For this purpose, Praat and Audacity software packages are employed, which are especially suitable to deal with phonemic phenomena that need to be covered in the course, although it is possible to think of adaptations of the project to other types of students so that they could still benefit from it.
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