Prevodna ekvivalentnost na nivou leksičkih obrazaca
lexeme, collocation, equivalence, congruence, polysemy, collocational range, semantic prosodyAbstract
The paper presents the examination of collocational equivalence in a sample of published English translations of Serbian literary texts. The collocations in the source and target parallel sentences are studied with regard to equivalence of content and the translators’ observance of lexical patterning factors in the target language (TL). Target text (TT) collocations are considered equivalent to the relevant source text (ST) collocations if they transfer the content and comply with the collocability parameters of the combined TL lexemes, which include collocational restrictions, collocational ranges and semantic prosody. Precisely, the equivalence rests not only on the faithfulness of meaning, but also on the compatibility of the lexemes combined in the TT, based on (a) semantic features of the lexemes, (b) immediate context and (c) prosodic restraints, which arise from their preferences in combining with other lexemes of positive or negative meaning.
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