Perspektiva naratora i problem etničke određenosti u prevodima Andrićevih romana Na Drini ćuprija i Travnička hronika na engleski
Andrić, comparative stylistics, translationAbstract
In historical novels The Bridge on the Drina and Bosnian Chronicle Ivo Andrić describes notable events in the region populated by ethnically and religiously diverse population. Using incidental remarks and direct and indirect speech which largely determine the ethnicity of its characters, Andrić’s narrator often uses this aspect to determine his own nationality. Ethnic and religious characteristics like these can cause many problems to translators of these novels into English. In this paper author examines various ways in which interpreters have to look for semantic equivalents in other elements of the language than those that exist in the original work. Since it was impossible with a high degree of certainty to determine whether the translators made a complete semantic and stylistic transfer, author of this paper can only express some observations using the cases in which one can accurately locate and explain possible errors in the transfer of the opposition true/ false.
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