Kritička analiza metafora u medijskom diskursu o veštačkoj inteligenciji na srpskom jeziku
critical metaphor analysis, artificial intelligence, critical discourse analysis, cognitive linguistcs, media discourseAbstract
Although artificial intelligence as a concept was created in the twentieth century, significant progress in this field has marked the twenty-first century. Nowadays, media discourse on artificial intelligence reflects a divided public opinion: are robots, machines and chatbots friends or enemies of humanity? The subject of the paper is a critical analysis of metaphors in media discourse on artificial intelligence in accordance with the methodological framework formulated by Jonathan Charteris-Black. The aim of the paper is to observe the presence of ideologies in this type of discourse and challenge the assumption that ideologies related to artificial intelligence are predominantly negative in the articles representing the corpus for the analysis in this paper. The analysis is based on combining cognitive linguistics, pragmatics, critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, and is performed in three steps: identification, interpretation, and explanation of metaphors and metaphorical expressions. The results confirm that the negative perception of artificial intelligence prevails in the analysed articles, as well as that they are permeated by various ideological messages. The implications of the research refer to the fact that it is necessary to be aware of possible ideological messages in media discourse and to take them into account when objectively reasoning about a certain topic.
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