Research Articles on English Phonetics and Phonology Published in Northern Europe from 2002 to 2022: A Systematic Analysis
English, phonology, phonetics, research articles, Northern Europe, systematic analysisAbstract
The article presents a study that aims at providing a systematic analysis of research articles (RAs) on English phonetics and phonology that have been published by Northern European peer-reviewed journals in applied linguistics, theoretical linguistics, and studies in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) from 2002 to 2022. The corpus of the journals in the present systematic analysis was comprised of a number of peer-reviewed outlets that seemed to share a common focus on EFL aspects of English phonetics and phonology. By means of applying the systematic review guidelines (Moher et al. 2009) to the corpus of RAs, it was established that RAs on English phonetics and phonology appeared to be, predominantly, single-authored, focused on the teaching of pronunciation in EFL settings, and based upon quantitative methodology in conjunction with a variety of techniques of corpus analysis.
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