Odbljesci uticaja masovnih medija kao elementa popularne kulture u Loliti Vladimira Nabokova
mass media, popular culture, Lolita, Humbert Humbert, critical theoriesAbstract
The aim of this paper is to highlight how Vladimir Nabokov employs mass media in his illustration of “prosaic” popular, and “superior” high culture, and in his portrayal of mass consumer society in his novel Lolita. In order to identify principal aspects of the era the writer strives to mirror, the mass media are set in the context of dominant mass media theories and socio-historical shifts. The author of this paper uses qualitative content analysis, where the unit of analysis comprises novel passages that provide relevant information to achieving the aims of this research. The author concludes that Nabokov credibly portrays the cultural scene of the post-war period by contrasting the characters of Lolita, a representative of popular culture, and Humbert Humbert, a representative of high culture. Finally, Nabokov challenges the ability to critically interpret media content presented to the audiences, which is in line with the issues critical theories of mass media attempt to address.
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