O kolokacijama – ili zašto snažna kafa ipak nije dovoljno jaka?


  • Ljiljana Vukićević-Đorđević


kolokacija, kontekst, vokabular, leksički pristup


Instead of supplying the meaning to a given form, or supplying the form to a given meaning, which makes the core of the grammatical approach to language learning, ESL educators are to endeavour to implement the lexical approach in their classrooms. Learning the number of words a native speaker knows is, however, an amazing feat. But, on the other hand, what language teaching and learning is about is making sense of words. It seems that colllocations have been found important but so far undervalued. Nevertheless, to move from passive to active learning and knowledge and from receptive to productive vocabulary, learners should master a wide variety of collocating words.


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How to Cite

Vukićević-Đorđević, L. (2021). O kolokacijama – ili zašto snažna kafa ipak nije dovoljno jaka? . Philologia, 6(1), 27–32. Retrieved from https://philologia.org.rs/index.php/ph/article/view/251



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