A Model of Construction of Narrative Identity in Dickensian Novels
identity construction, narrative identity, textual identity, acts of naming, name, narrative participants, plotAbstract
As a result of a process of accumulation and sedimentation of reference materials on narrative structure, I have developed a model of narrative identity shaped through the acts of naming with three coordinates: construction of the identity of narrative participants, construction of plot identity and of textual identity (see Morăraşu 2007). In discussing the problems of building the identity of narrative participants, I have first considered the multiple identities assumed by authors, the basic types of narrative situations, narratives and narrators; then, I have indicated the concrete techniques of constructing the identity of the characters. Considering that the process of “emplotment” (Ricœur 1990) may be based upon the assemblage of some naming patterns, the name becomes the most powerful tool for interpretation, offering us an immediate and profound understanding of the character and of the plot.
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